Accommodations Request Form

About Accommodations Requests

The library aims to ensure that everyone has an equal opportunity to enjoy its programs, services and activities and works to provide accommodations for physical access, communications or other needs.

If there is an accommodation that you need or would like so that you can fully enjoy our programs, please let us know. You can do this in advance of the program by emailing, calling 609-924-9529 x1220, or filling out the form below. You can also request accommodation at the time of the program by speaking with a staff member. If we are unable to fulfill your request at the time of the program, we will retain the request to help make future programming more accessible.

If you have any general suggestions for how our programs can be more accessible to all, please feel free to submit those suggestions at any time using this form.

Accessibility and Library Facilities

  • Princeton Public Library is wheelchair accessible.
  • All main entrances have automatic doors.
  • Elevator access is available for all floors.
  • The Community Room, Newsroom, Conference Room and Technology Center have integrated audio induction/hearing loop systems compatible with personal T-coil-enabled devices, and compatible headphone units are available for use during most programs.
  • First-floor service desks are equipped with integrated audio induction/hearing loop systems compatible with personal T-coil-enabled devices, and compatible headphone units are available for use.
  • Public computers include accessibility shortcuts to access vision and physical/motor features.
  • For caregivers who prefer privacy to breastfeed or express milk, an ADA-compliant nursing room is available on the third floor. Please ask desk staff for access.
  • Accessible parking spaces are available in the Spring Street Garage behind the library. A curb ramp is available at the rear entrance of the library on Sylvia Beach Way for visitors who need to be dropped off.

Accommodations Request Form

Accommodation Request Form

Is this request for a specific program?(Required)