We believe that every one of us has the right to learn, fulfill our potential, and make an impact
We believe that every one of us has the right to learn, fulfill our potential, and make an impact
We believe that every one of us has the right to learn, fulfill our potential, and make an impact
We believe that every one of us has the right to learn, fulfill our potential, and make an impact
We believe that every one of us has the right to learn, fulfill our potential, and make an impact
About the program
The Rothschild-Technion Program for Excellence is an academic study program for a bachelor’s degree, geared to make the most of the students’ curiosity and creativity, and to expand their horizons. The program is designed for students who are capable and interested in learning “differently,” according to a personalized study program that enables expansion of various fields of knowledge.
It provides both professional tools and broad possibilities for promoting and developing personal potential, while also encouraging creativity, originality, and curiosity through self-study, teamwork, and close guidance by a consultant from among the academic staff. Students are integrated into postgraduate studies during their undergraduate studies.
This flagship program for excelling students has operated at the Technion for over 20 years, and, in 2015, the Foundation began to support its activities. Its graduates include renowned leaders who have gone on to develop diverse fields of research in academia, industry, and high-tech, both in Israel and abroad.
- To encourage outstanding students to realize their abilities.
- To integrate outstanding students in research during their undergraduate studies.
- To create a cadre of researchers with rich interdisciplinary knowledge.
Mode of operation
Each year, about 50 students participate in the program. They are selected in a meticulous process based, in part, on previous achievements, originality of thought, intellectual curiosity and a deep interest in science.
Those who are accepted to the program are encouraged not to associate themselves with a pre-defined course of study during their first year of studies, but are registered as students of the Technion’s excellence program, which functions as their parent unit. At the end of the first year, after being exposed to the variety of fields of knowledge offered at the Technion, a personal program of study is adapted for each student. Participants receive a holistic support package which includes financial support during their studies, enrichment activities and extracurricular activities.
In the numbers
each year