What is an Israel Bond?

An Israel Bond is a loan you can make to the State of Israel. Once you make the loan, the State of Israel issues a bond to you.
In return for the loan, the State of Israel agrees to pay interest to you, the bondholder, and repay the loan at the end of its term.
Israel uses the loaned money to help strengthen almost every part of its modern, innovative and diverse economy.
What can you do with an Israel Bond?
Diversify your Investment Portfolio
Maximize your Self‑Directed RRSP, TFSA, RESP, RDSP and Cash Account
Enrich your Family Foundation or Pension Plan
Hold a bond jointly with your spouse or another loved one

Celebrate a holiday, mark a milestone, or applaud an achievement

eMazel Tov Bond
- Available in CDN or US currency.
- Starting at $36.
- Multiples of $1 can be added at the time of purchase.

Mazel Tov Bond
- Available in CDN or US currency.
- Starting at $100.
- Multiples of $1 can be added at the time of purchase.

Israel Bond’s newest and most creative bond, the Shalom Savings Bond, offers a unique opportunity to double the impact of a single donation. When you donate an Israel Bond...

your favourite charities benefit;

Israel benefits;

your charity gets the full face value of the bond at maturity plus interest.
How to Invest
Invest as an
Invest as an
Invest through a
Brokerage Account