בימים ההם בזמן הזה- "
In those days - in this time".
As people light the Hanukkah candles this year throughout the world, we sing this phase with more significance than ever, as we mark two months into the Swords of Iron War.
The Jewish People have a long history of fighting evil throughout the ages.
Light against Darkness. The few against the many.
Indeed our founder, Rabbi Yehuda Yekutiel Halsberstam, The Sanze Rebbe זצ"ל, founded our self-funded Hospital because of the evil he personally experienced and saw, during the dark days of the Holocaust , when our enemy tried to destroy us.
Laniado Hospital continues to be on the front lines. We continue to treat the thousands of evacuees from the North and South now living in Netanya. We continue to provide dialysis and birthing services to tens of thousands who come from throughout the country in our missile-protected departments.
We continue with our Emergency Campaign to purchase life-saving medical equipment for the ER, ICU and underground sheltered hospital rooms now under construction.
THE PEOPLE OF ISRAEL NEED YOU – now is your chance for an end of year tax-deductible donation in any currency. https://my.israelgives.org/en/fundme/EmergencyLaniado/ Please pass this link on to friends and relatives near and far.
Dozens of our staff members, along with countless children and grandchildren, are currently in the IDF.
This is the spirit of Laniado - This is the spirit of Am Yisrael.
Wishing you and your families a Happy Hanukkah, Chag Urim Sameach, a Lichtegen Chanukah!
Thanking you for your ongoing partnership and support!